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    Урок 1

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    ' Do I have to take this medicine before or after a meal?'

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    Модальні дієслова

    Урок 2

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    'I'll go jogging tomorrow unless it rains.'

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    Умовні речення

    Урок 3

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    'I haven't been able to use the Internet since this morning.'

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    Фраза be able to

    Урок 4

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    'Do you mind if I take this seat?'

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    Present Simple та Present Continuous

    Урок 5

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    'We have been surfing all summer. The weather has been great.'

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    Present Perfect Continuous

    Урок 6

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    'Where shall we spend our next holiday?'

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    Майбутні часи

    Урок 7

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    'Japanese is far more difficult to learn than English.'

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    Ступені порівняння прикметників

    Урок 8

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    'Did you use to believe in ghosts in your childhood?'

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    Конструкція used to

    Урок 9

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    'He was bitten by a bee. His arm is swollen.'

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    Пасивний стан

    Урок 10

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    'I can hear some music.'

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    Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники

    Урок 11

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    'Do you know how to avoid catching a cold?'

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    Інфінітив і герундій

    Урок 12

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    'If it is cold I will take a jacket.'

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    Умовні речення першого типу
