


Would rather

would rather + bare infinitive

would rather вживається, коли ми говоримо про те, чому надаємо перевагу. Would rather означає те саме, що і дієслово prefer/would prefer.

  • She would rather take a taxi. (Вона б хотіла взяти таксі.)
  • I would rather stay in. (Я краще залишуся вдома.)

Після would rather вживається інфінітив без to - would rather sleep.

  • I would rather drink a cup of coffee. (Я краще вип'ю чашку кави.)
  • We would rather fly tomorrow. (Нам краще летіти завтра.)

Якщо треба побудувати заперечне речення, ми додаємо not перед інфінітивом - would rather not go.

  • She would rather not wake up the baby now. (Їй краще не будити дитину зараз.)
  • We would rather not go to the party. (Нам краще не йти на вечірку.)

would rather + bare infinitive + than + (bare infinitive)

Ми можемо вживати фразу + than + (bare infinitive) - would rather watch sport than (watch) a film .

  • They would rather walk than take a bus. (Їм краще пройти пішки, ніж сідати на автобус.)
  • I would rather cook meat than fish. (Я краще приготую м'ясо, ніж рибу.)

Would rather часто скорочується - He'd rather.

  • You would rather read this book. --> You'd rather read this book. (Тобі краще прочитати цю книгу.)
  • I would rather go abroad. I'd rather go abroad. (Я б краще поїхала за кордон.)

would rather + perfect bare infinitive

Коли ми говоримо про минуле ми вживаємо would rather + perfect bare infinitive.

  • I would rather not have eaten so much at the party yesterday. (Краще б я не їла так багато на вечірці вчора.)
  • She would rather have gone to the cinema yesterday. (Вона краще б пішла в кіно вчора.)

would rather + you/they + past tense

Коли в реченні ми маємо різні підмети, тоді ми будуємо речення наступним чином. Коли ми говоримо про теперішній або майбутній час, ми вживаємо Past Tense.

  • You smoke a lot. --> I would rather you didn't smoke so much. (Я б вважала за краще, щоб ти не палив так багато.)
  • He doesn't know English. --> I would rather he knew English. (Я б вважала за краще, щоб він знав англійську.)

would rather + you/they + past perfect

Коли ми говоримо про минуле, ми вживаємо Past Perfect.

  • We went to the party yesterday. --> I would rather we hadn't gone to the party yesterday. (Я б вважав за краще, щоб ми не ходили на вечірку вчора.)
  • He didn't buy a car last year. --> I would rather he he had bought a car last year. (Я б вважала за краще, щоб він купив машину минулого року.)
Тест на перевірку
Питання 1
I would rather youthe accomodation before signing a lease.
Питання 2
I would rather wesome sandwiches with us. I am starving.
Питання 3
She would rather youher laptop without permission all the time.
Питання 4
He would rather youmore patient.
Питання 5
I would rather my parentsa red car. But they bought a black one.
Питання 6
Your mother would rather youyour toys with your brother.
Питання 7
I would rather heus about the difficulties of the trek. We might not have undertaken it.
Питання 8
We would rather youus first. We weren't ready to meet you.
Питання 9
I would rather peoplebetter care of nature.
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