Коли ми хочемо виділити потрібну для нас інформацію, ми вживаємо інверсію. Інверсія вживається дуже дозовано, тільки там, де це дійсно треба. Інакше наша мова звучатиме неприродно.
Щоб утворити інверсію, нам треба декілька інструментів. По-перше, нам треба поміняти місцями підмет та присудок.
I have never seen such a beautiful woman. --> Never have I seen such a beautiful woman. (Ніколи я не бачив таку красиву жінку.)
The room was not only small, but it was dirty as well. Not only was the room small, but it was dirty as well. (Кімната не лише була маленькою, вона також була брудною.)
По-друге, в часах Present Simple і Past Simple ми також додаємо допоміжні дієслова для утворення інверсії do, does, did + subject + main verb.
He went to the restaurant and then we went to the club. --> Not only did we go to the restaurant, but we went to the club as well. (Ми не лише пішли в ресторан, але ми також пішли в клуб.)
He smokes and drinks. Not only does he smoke but he drinks as well. (Він не лише палить, але і випиває.)
По-третє, існує декілька варіантів як розпочати речення з інверсією.
Not only ...
They are on holiday and they are on holiday in Greece. --> Not only are they on holiday, (but) they are on holiday in Greece. (Вони не лише у відпустці, вони у відпустці в Греції. )
She plays tennis and she also goes swimming. Not only does she play tennis, she goes swimming too. (Вона не лише грає в теніс, вона також ходить на плавання.)
He is hardworking and intelligent. Not only is he hardworking (but) he is intelligent too. (Він не лише працелюбний, але також дуже розумний.)
Not until ...
I didn't realise how lucky I was until many years later. --> Not until years later did I realise how lucky I was. (Тільки через роки я зрозумів, як мені пощастило.)
We didn't go to bed until the dawn. --> Not until the dawn did we go to bed. (Тільки удосвіта ми пішли спати.)
I haven't thought about it until now. --> Not until now have I thought about it. (Досі я не думав про це.)
Never ...
I have never seen such a beautiful building. --> Never have I seen such a beautiful building. (Ніколи я не бачив таку красиву будівлю.)
He is never sorry for his behaviour. --> Never is he sorry for his behaviour. (Ніколи він не шкодує, що так себе веде.)
He has never wanted to live there. --> Never has he wanted to live there. (Ніколи він не хотів там жити.)
No sooner ...than
Shortly after I had got home it started to rain. --> No sooner had I got home than it started to rain. (Не встигли ми прийти додому, як почався дощ.)
I had just switched on the TV when the film started. --> No sooner had I switched the TV than the film started. (Як тільки ми включили телевізор, фільм почався.)
I had just written a few words when the electricity was cut off. --> No sooner had I written a few words than the electricity was cut off . (Не встиг я написати і пару слів, як відключили електрику.)
Фраза No sooner as схожа за значенням на фразу as soon as.
Only then ...
I only realized how beautiful the dress was when I got to the party. --> Only then did I realize how beautiful the dress was when I got to the party. (Тільки тоді я зрозуміла якою красивою була сукня, коли прийшла на вечірку.)
I only fell asleep when he called and said he was fine. --> He called and said he was fine.Only then did I fall asleep.(Він подзвонив і сказав, що в порядку. Тільки тоді я заснула.)
Only when ...
He went to bed only when his parents made him. --> Only when his parents made him did he go to bed. (Тільки, коли його батьки змусили його, він пішов спати.)
I only understood this film when I read the reviews. --> Only when I read the reviews did I understand this film. (Тільки коли я прочитав відгуки, я зрозумів фільм.)
Hardly/Scarcely ... when
We had just begun to play tennis when it started to rain. --> Hardly had we begun to play tennis when it started to rain. (Не встигли ми почати грати в теніс, як почався дощ.)
She had just finished cooking the lunch when the children came back from school. --> Scarcely had she finished cooking the lunch when the children came back from school. . (Вона щойно закінчила готувати обід, як діти повернулися з школи.)
Rarely ...
We have rarely had such a disastrous journey. --> Rarely have we hadsuch a disastrous journey. (Рідко, коли в нас була така жахлива поїздка.)
I have rarely met him at those parties. --> Rarely have I met him at those parties. (Рідко я зустрічав його на цих вечірках.)
Авторка статті: Галина Бережна
Тест на перевірку
Питання 1
Rarelyat this hotel because it's too far from the center.
Питання 2
Not until tomorrow's morningthe result of the test.
Питання 3
Seldomsuch a generous person in your life.
Питання 4
Only whento the gym will he be fit again.
Питання 5
Scarcely had the match started whento score a goal.
Питання 6
destroyed so many houses.
Питання 7
Littleabout this city.
Питання 8
No sooner had we come to the bus stopthe bus turned up.